The comment is frequent heard when one describes a person with his head filled with weird ideas and thoughts: you must have seen way too many scientific movies. Therefore, we would know that this person does not believe the existence of so many hackers when someone says: you must have seen way too many hacker movies. Movies are usually based on the stories happened in real life whereas hackers do exist around us as it is showed in the movies.
On July 16, the renowned semi-conductor producer Toshiba announced that the malware scan indicated that the server of one of its companies in US was attacked by hackers. The website of this company contained the personal information of 7520 registered clients and 681 among all the clients had their email addresses and passwords released. Luckily, this attacked server did not contain the credit card information of the clients. Some internet users uncovered that the ironical fact was that Toshiba did not know the information release after the information of the clients was publicized on the internet.
In recent years, hacker intrusion news had become stale on the internet. At the beginning of July, the hacker organization Anonymous played a big joke on Apple purely for fun. On other company is more humiliating than Sony in terms of hacker attacks. From April to June, Sony has experienced a large number of attacks of different scale. Expertise of the industry has analyzed that these attacks were directed to revenge Sony's suing the hacker George Hotz. On the other hand, some people believe that this hacker group is showing off their ability of intruding in the servers of the companies. With the purpose of hackers putting aside, the root cause for Sony's suffering from the network attacks is the lacking of stability and security of Sony's system. Hackers will not get their way unless the protection mechanism is flawed.
Two reasons should be attributed to the encounter of hacker attack: one is external factor. Nowadays, the attack techniques of hackers are getting more and more advanced. Hackers are just like the Ants, they are able to find their way into the vulnerability as long as there is only a clean spot on the pesticide-proof material even though some institutions have strengthened the management of the website.
The other is interior factor. Hackers can take advantage of the vulnerabilities of the server system neglected by human beings. Hence, companies should detect in time and repair these vulnerabilities to reinforce the protective capability of the website. In addition, as long as the information construction is concerned, companies should select the most suitable service provider in terms of professional, stability, expansion, security, configuration level and other aspects.runescape gold.